論文網址:IEEE Xploer
Multiscale entropy and poincare plot-based analysis of pulse rate variability and heart rate variability of ICU patients
Rohit Parasnis; Akshay Pawar; M. Manivannan
2015 International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences (ICIIBMS)
Year: 2015
Pages: 290 - 295, DOI: 10.1109/ICIIBMS.2015.7439531
IEEE Conference Publications
It is now known that multiscale entropy has the potential to distinguish certain pathological time series clearly and reliably from the corresponding healthy series. However, the implications of this parameter for Heart Rate Variability (HRV) have not been studied extensively. Also, as reported by other studies, the Poincare plots of the R-R interval series of a human subject's ECG signal (which too function as a measure of HRV) could be more useful than the time-domain and frequency domain parameters of HRV for certain applications. Although the Poincare plots of healthy R-R interval series and corresponding PPG-based interval series have been investigated by many researchers, they do not seem to have been examined for unhealthy subjects. Our goal in this study has been to assess the extent to which PRV can substitute for HRV in the determination of these two nonlinear parameters. We perform multiscale entropy analysis (MSE) on Pulse Rate Variability (PRV) and HRV of 20 ICU patients. We also obtain Poincare plots associated with PRV from four PPG-based techniques and those characterizing HRV from the standard R-R interval technique. We then compare the resulting PRV data sets with their HRV counterparts. We observe that none of the PPG-based methods displays a satisfactory statistical agreement or even an acceptable statistical correlation with the standard ECG-based technique. Hence we conclude that as of now, one cannot rely on PRV as a convenient alternative to estimate the MSE values and Poincare plots of HRV. However, further investigation on the lines suggested in the paper might yield fruitful insights.
心跳變異性 (Heart rate variability, HRV) 分析
心跳脈波(動脈血壓波)自動分析 (脈診儀功能)
血管緊張度 (動脈硬化) 指數
心跳變異性 (Heart rate variability, HRV) 分析
心跳脈波(動脈血壓波)自動分析 (脈診儀功能)
血管緊張度 (動脈硬化) 指數
論文研討:A Combined fMRI and Heart Rate Variability Paradigm for Assessment of Central Autonomic Modulation
論文網址:IEEE Xplore
A Combined fMRI and Heart Rate Variability Paradigm for Assessment of Central Autonomic Modulation
Riccardo Barbieri; Giulia Conti; Rupali Dhond; Emery N. Brown; Vitaly Napadow
2007 3rd International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering
Year: 2007
Pages: 615 - 618, DOI: 10.1109/CNE.2007.369747
IEEE Conference Publications
While the central autonomic network (CAN) has been adequately defined in animal models, data from the human have been lacking. In this study, we correlated cardiac-gated fMRI data with continuous-time heart rate variability (HRV) assessment in order to estimate central autonomic processing in response to a dynamic grip task. The electrocardiogram (ECG) was collected simultaneously with fMRI, and was analyzed with a new point process adaptive filter algorithm for evaluation of HRV indices reflecting time-varying dynamics of autonomic modulation. These were correlated with fMRI signal intensity using a general linear model and subsequent analysis of covariance. Our combined HRV-fMRI data analysis suggests that fMRI activity in several brain regions, including the hypothalamus, parabrachial nucleus, periaqueductal gray, amygdala, and posterior insula, demonstrated significant correlation with parasympathetic tone assessed by HRV high frequency (HF) power. This study demonstrates that inter-subject variability in brain response to an exercise task may help explain the natural variability in autonomic response, as assessed by HRV analysis
A Combined fMRI and Heart Rate Variability Paradigm for Assessment of Central Autonomic Modulation
Riccardo Barbieri; Giulia Conti; Rupali Dhond; Emery N. Brown; Vitaly Napadow
2007 3rd International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering
Year: 2007
Pages: 615 - 618, DOI: 10.1109/CNE.2007.369747
IEEE Conference Publications
While the central autonomic network (CAN) has been adequately defined in animal models, data from the human have been lacking. In this study, we correlated cardiac-gated fMRI data with continuous-time heart rate variability (HRV) assessment in order to estimate central autonomic processing in response to a dynamic grip task. The electrocardiogram (ECG) was collected simultaneously with fMRI, and was analyzed with a new point process adaptive filter algorithm for evaluation of HRV indices reflecting time-varying dynamics of autonomic modulation. These were correlated with fMRI signal intensity using a general linear model and subsequent analysis of covariance. Our combined HRV-fMRI data analysis suggests that fMRI activity in several brain regions, including the hypothalamus, parabrachial nucleus, periaqueductal gray, amygdala, and posterior insula, demonstrated significant correlation with parasympathetic tone assessed by HRV high frequency (HF) power. This study demonstrates that inter-subject variability in brain response to an exercise task may help explain the natural variability in autonomic response, as assessed by HRV analysis
論文研討:Cerebral cortex and sub-cortex lateralization in cardiovascular regulation: Correlations of BOLD fMRI and heart rate variability
論文網址:IEEE Xplore
Cerebral cortex and sub-cortex lateralization in cardiovascular regulation: Correlations of BOLD fMRI and heart rate variability
P. Kuoppa; E. Niskanen; P. Karjalainen; M. P. Tarvainen
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Year: 2012
Pages: 3412 - 3415, DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346698
IEEE Conference Publications
The role of cerebral cortex in cardiovascular regulation has not yet been mapped in detail. Especially the lateralization of different regions that are connected to cardiovascular modulation is still unknown. In this study we used simultaneously measured electrocardiography (ECG) and blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) fMRI to examine the correlation of cerebral cortex and sub-cortex activation and heart rate variability parameters. Correlations were calculated for 11 subjects. Regions of interest (ROIs) were predefined from observations made in previous studies. Lateralization was studied by forming ratios of left and right hemisphere activations in ROIs and calculating correlations of these to heart rate variability (HRV) parameters. Statistically significant correlations were found in every ROI.
Cerebral cortex and sub-cortex lateralization in cardiovascular regulation: Correlations of BOLD fMRI and heart rate variability
P. Kuoppa; E. Niskanen; P. Karjalainen; M. P. Tarvainen
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Year: 2012
Pages: 3412 - 3415, DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346698
IEEE Conference Publications
The role of cerebral cortex in cardiovascular regulation has not yet been mapped in detail. Especially the lateralization of different regions that are connected to cardiovascular modulation is still unknown. In this study we used simultaneously measured electrocardiography (ECG) and blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) fMRI to examine the correlation of cerebral cortex and sub-cortex activation and heart rate variability parameters. Correlations were calculated for 11 subjects. Regions of interest (ROIs) were predefined from observations made in previous studies. Lateralization was studied by forming ratios of left and right hemisphere activations in ROIs and calculating correlations of these to heart rate variability (HRV) parameters. Statistically significant correlations were found in every ROI.
李小姐,三十八歲,忽冷忽熱,晚上睡覺會冒汗、腸胃道不適,經常便秘或是胃酸逆流。另外她長期頭暈、肌肉酸緊、耳鳴、晚上難以入眠,白天卻又很疲 倦。經過耳鼻喉科檢查及神經內科檢查均顯示正常。三個月前開車時,突然出現心跳加快、胸悶、呼吸困難,覺得自己快要窒息,抽血及心電圖檢查都正常。這樣的 狀況日後無預期地發生了兩三次,每次都是在密閉空間。不斷反覆做檢查,試圖找出病因,不過結果都顯示正常。轉介精神科,診斷為恐慌症及廣泛性焦慮症。
自律神經失調是用來形容一群難以用生理的原因去解釋的身體症狀。在精神科裡面,它與下列診斷相關:身體化疾患、未分化型身體疾患、疼痛疾患、恐慌 症、廣泛性焦慮症、轉化症、解離症、慮病症、強迫症、心理因素影響或造成的醫學狀況、戲劇性人格、強迫性人格等。典型的症狀包括:頭痛、頭暈、胸悶、心 悸、腸胃道不適、呼吸急促、冒汗、手腳發抖、肩頸肌肉酸緊、耳鳴、手腳發麻。症狀各式各樣,但這些診斷的共同特點是個案患有一些很困擾的非特異性身體的症 狀,不斷地去做檢查都找不出病因。但是找不出病因,並不代表沒有原因,而是這些症狀大都跟心理壓力有關。
生理會影響心理,當然心理也會影響生理。很多疾病的產生,除了先天體質跟環境的交互作用之外,心理其實扮演很大的角色。首先我們要先瞭解壓力反應。 當我們遇到急性壓力時,我們的大腦的杏仁核會先偵測到危險的刺激,透過交感神經系統發射訊號給我們的腎上腺髓質系統,因此腎上腺就會分泌腎上腺素及正腎上 腺素,讓我們的血壓上升、心跳加快、肌肉收縮、腸胃道蠕動變慢,產生打或跑的反應,以應付外來的壓力。這是生物體求生存的一種本能及保護的機制。但是,一 旦大腦不斷地偵測到壓力,就會進入慢性壓力的模式。這時候,我們的腎上腺皮質就會接手,分泌體內壓力荷爾蒙,就是所謂類固醇。類固醇會降低免疫力。因此當 我們壓力大時,比較容易感冒。另外壓力荷爾蒙會不斷告訴大腦,現在還是處在危險的狀態。因此大腦會通知身體儲存脂肪以備不時之需。難怪,長期在慢性壓力之 下的人,常會有厚厚一層的腰圍脂肪。特別是內臟脂肪跟心血管疾病及糖尿病相關。另外,大腦長期在壓力荷爾蒙的作用下,神經細胞會受損。一旦大腦生病了,我 們的自律神經系統就會失調,憂鬱、焦慮及身體其他的疾病就會隨之而來。自律神經系統分為交感神經及副交感神經,交感神經會讓我們處在亢奮的狀態,好讓我們 應付壓力;副交感神經則讓我們處在放鬆的狀態,可以讓細胞休息獲得養分。這套神經系統不是我們意識可以控制的,但它主管我們的呼吸、心跳及腸胃道蠕動。因 此自律神經失調,最常見的症狀都跟這幾個器官系統有關。
除了外在壓力之外,另一種叫做內在壓力。每個人都會有內在的心理衝突,我們會有憤怒及性的慾望,這些都來自本我(Id)。但是自我(Ego)常常必 須壓抑這樣的慾望,因為我們內在的超我(Superego)常不允許這樣的慾望出來。壓抑成功的話,就不會有症狀,但是如果壓抑失敗的話,就會出現症狀。 這叫做內在衝突,既想要滿足慾望,但是又害怕實現自己慾望,因此就卡住了。A型人格,事事要求完美的人,就常讓自己處在高度壓力的狀態以及高度壓抑的人 格,比如說敢怒不敢言、忍氣吞聲的人,都比較會產生所謂的內在壓力。
自律神經失調的診斷,必須經過詳細的問診,並安排相關檢查以排除生理的疾病。既然心理扮演很重要的角色,因此問診時,醫師會詳細詢問現在生活所遭遇 的外在及內在壓力,及其與症狀之間的關聯性。另外心率變異性是目前心身醫學科常用來偵測自律神經失調的檢查。心率會隨著身體所感受的壓力狀態透過自律神經 做出快或慢的調節。心率變異性愈好的人,心臟的彈性度越好,自律神經的調節越平衡。
自律神經失調既然被認為跟壓力有關,因此壓力管理是很重要的。如果是外在壓力,就要去思考有沒有可能改變壓力源。如果壓力源的改變是有限的,那就要 去反求諸己,改變自己對外在壓力的認知。另外學習腹式呼吸及冥想可以幫助放鬆。如果壓力是來自內在的,就要瞭解自己內在的心理衝突,將壓抑的能量轉化或昇 華,這有時需要透過心理治療來幫忙。另外,最好的治療就是養成固定的有氧運動習慣。運動可以讓大腦健康、讓肌肉放鬆、也可以轉移壓抑的能量,對身體及心理 有莫大的幫助。切記,要去享受運動完之後的舒暢感覺,而不是讓運動成為另一種心理壓力。
如果自律神經失調已經嚴重到疾病的診斷時,才會考慮藥物治療。目前常用的抗憂鬱劑及鎮定劑都有改善症狀的效果。一般而言,抗憂鬱劑的服用需要至少半 年到一年的時間。鎮定劑則是短期服用。藥物的療效其實只有五成到六成的效果。所以自我信念的力量更是重要的。相信自己會好,其實就已經好一大半了。

作者:臺安醫院心身醫學科暨精神科主治醫師 曾冠喬
李小姐,三十八歲,忽冷忽熱,晚上睡覺會冒汗、腸胃道不適,經常便秘或是胃酸逆流。另外她長期頭暈、肌肉酸緊、耳鳴、晚上難以入眠,白天卻又很疲 倦。經過耳鼻喉科檢查及神經內科檢查均顯示正常。三個月前開車時,突然出現心跳加快、胸悶、呼吸困難,覺得自己快要窒息,抽血及心電圖檢查都正常。這樣的 狀況日後無預期地發生了兩三次,每次都是在密閉空間。不斷反覆做檢查,試圖找出病因,不過結果都顯示正常。轉介精神科,診斷為恐慌症及廣泛性焦慮症。
自律神經失調是用來形容一群難以用生理的原因去解釋的身體症狀。在精神科裡面,它與下列診斷相關:身體化疾患、未分化型身體疾患、疼痛疾患、恐慌 症、廣泛性焦慮症、轉化症、解離症、慮病症、強迫症、心理因素影響或造成的醫學狀況、戲劇性人格、強迫性人格等。典型的症狀包括:頭痛、頭暈、胸悶、心 悸、腸胃道不適、呼吸急促、冒汗、手腳發抖、肩頸肌肉酸緊、耳鳴、手腳發麻。症狀各式各樣,但這些診斷的共同特點是個案患有一些很困擾的非特異性身體的症 狀,不斷地去做檢查都找不出病因。但是找不出病因,並不代表沒有原因,而是這些症狀大都跟心理壓力有關。
生理會影響心理,當然心理也會影響生理。很多疾病的產生,除了先天體質跟環境的交互作用之外,心理其實扮演很大的角色。首先我們要先瞭解壓力反應。 當我們遇到急性壓力時,我們的大腦的杏仁核會先偵測到危險的刺激,透過交感神經系統發射訊號給我們的腎上腺髓質系統,因此腎上腺就會分泌腎上腺素及正腎上 腺素,讓我們的血壓上升、心跳加快、肌肉收縮、腸胃道蠕動變慢,產生打或跑的反應,以應付外來的壓力。這是生物體求生存的一種本能及保護的機制。但是,一 旦大腦不斷地偵測到壓力,就會進入慢性壓力的模式。這時候,我們的腎上腺皮質就會接手,分泌體內壓力荷爾蒙,就是所謂類固醇。類固醇會降低免疫力。因此當 我們壓力大時,比較容易感冒。另外壓力荷爾蒙會不斷告訴大腦,現在還是處在危險的狀態。因此大腦會通知身體儲存脂肪以備不時之需。難怪,長期在慢性壓力之 下的人,常會有厚厚一層的腰圍脂肪。特別是內臟脂肪跟心血管疾病及糖尿病相關。另外,大腦長期在壓力荷爾蒙的作用下,神經細胞會受損。一旦大腦生病了,我 們的自律神經系統就會失調,憂鬱、焦慮及身體其他的疾病就會隨之而來。自律神經系統分為交感神經及副交感神經,交感神經會讓我們處在亢奮的狀態,好讓我們 應付壓力;副交感神經則讓我們處在放鬆的狀態,可以讓細胞休息獲得養分。這套神經系統不是我們意識可以控制的,但它主管我們的呼吸、心跳及腸胃道蠕動。因 此自律神經失調,最常見的症狀都跟這幾個器官系統有關。
除了外在壓力之外,另一種叫做內在壓力。每個人都會有內在的心理衝突,我們會有憤怒及性的慾望,這些都來自本我(Id)。但是自我(Ego)常常必 須壓抑這樣的慾望,因為我們內在的超我(Superego)常不允許這樣的慾望出來。壓抑成功的話,就不會有症狀,但是如果壓抑失敗的話,就會出現症狀。 這叫做內在衝突,既想要滿足慾望,但是又害怕實現自己慾望,因此就卡住了。A型人格,事事要求完美的人,就常讓自己處在高度壓力的狀態以及高度壓抑的人 格,比如說敢怒不敢言、忍氣吞聲的人,都比較會產生所謂的內在壓力。
自律神經失調的診斷,必須經過詳細的問診,並安排相關檢查以排除生理的疾病。既然心理扮演很重要的角色,因此問診時,醫師會詳細詢問現在生活所遭遇 的外在及內在壓力,及其與症狀之間的關聯性。另外心率變異性是目前心身醫學科常用來偵測自律神經失調的檢查。心率會隨著身體所感受的壓力狀態透過自律神經 做出快或慢的調節。心率變異性愈好的人,心臟的彈性度越好,自律神經的調節越平衡。
自律神經失調既然被認為跟壓力有關,因此壓力管理是很重要的。如果是外在壓力,就要去思考有沒有可能改變壓力源。如果壓力源的改變是有限的,那就要 去反求諸己,改變自己對外在壓力的認知。另外學習腹式呼吸及冥想可以幫助放鬆。如果壓力是來自內在的,就要瞭解自己內在的心理衝突,將壓抑的能量轉化或昇 華,這有時需要透過心理治療來幫忙。另外,最好的治療就是養成固定的有氧運動習慣。運動可以讓大腦健康、讓肌肉放鬆、也可以轉移壓抑的能量,對身體及心理 有莫大的幫助。切記,要去享受運動完之後的舒暢感覺,而不是讓運動成為另一種心理壓力。
如果自律神經失調已經嚴重到疾病的診斷時,才會考慮藥物治療。目前常用的抗憂鬱劑及鎮定劑都有改善症狀的效果。一般而言,抗憂鬱劑的服用需要至少半 年到一年的時間。鎮定劑則是短期服用。藥物的療效其實只有五成到六成的效果。所以自我信念的力量更是重要的。相信自己會好,其實就已經好一大半了。
作者:臺安醫院心身醫學科暨精神科主治醫師 曾冠喬
交感神經系統與副交感神經系統之交互作用 Interaction between the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system
心跳變異性與自律神經的關係. Relations of heart rate variability (HRV) and autonomic nervous system (ANS).
什麼是自律神經失調 ( Dysautonomia ) 甚麼是自律神經 Introduction of ANS
HRV parameters, 心跳變異性參數
HRV Time domain analysis and Frequency domain analysis
自律神經系統, Autonomic Nerve System, ANS
二尖瓣是位於心臟當中左心房和左心室之間的一組瓣膜,功能主要是控制血液的流向,當我們左心室舒張時,瓣膜便會打開,讓左心房的血液得以灌注到左心 室,而在左心室收縮時,瓣膜則會緊閉,使左心室將血液繼續往前至主動脈進而供應全身的組織。二尖瓣脫垂就是,這兩個瓣膜,或是其中之一稍為寬了些,當瓣膜 關閉時,瓣膜會突出到另一邊(左心房),若稍為嚴重點,甚至可能會讓這扇門關的不夠緊,無法完全的閉合,就會造成血液逆流的情形。
二尖瓣脫垂在西方歐美先進國家是常見的先天性瓣膜異常,同時也是造成非缺血性二尖瓣逆流主要原因之一。通常二尖瓣脫垂的預後非常好,只有在極少數的 患者身上會發生極嚴重的併發症:包括感染性心內膜炎、重度二尖瓣逆流併心臟衰竭以及猝死,而且心臟超音波檢查對於診斷二尖瓣脫垂,以及預測發生併發症的高 危險型病人是一項非常方便和準確的工作。此病症是如何被發現的呢?在1960年左右,Dr. Barlow 首先利用左心室造影發現「激」(click)雜音與心室收縮末期的二尖瓣閉合有關;隨後Dr.Criley 便將這種有「激」(click)雜音的二尖瓣命名為二尖瓣脫垂。
一般而言,在二維胸前心臟超音波檢查下,利用胸骨旁長軸影像診斷二尖瓣脫垂較為準確。在此影像下不管有無二尖瓣葉片增厚,如有單葉或雙葉的二尖瓣葉 片距離二尖瓣環超過2mm 以上才可診斷是二尖瓣脫垂。據此,二尖瓣脫垂發生率大約為2-7%(平均5%),女性為男性兩倍。二尖瓣脫垂的診斷最好是根據病史、理學檢查、心音圖及心 臟超音波作一綜合判斷,尤其是聽診。用較精良的心臟科聽診器可聽出較微小的心音變化。在疾病早期,病患可能只是一輕微的「激」(click)雜音。隨著瓣膜變化日益嚴重,病患會產生一收縮期雜音,可同時合併有或無「激」(click)雜音。
利用體位的改變來幫助聽診是極為重要,臨床醫師不可忽略。例如「激」雜(click)音在病患站立時會靠近第一心音,左側躺時聽診較容易,站立時收 縮期雜音會變大聲及時間較長等等。大部份二尖瓣脫垂病人心電圖都是正常,少部份有ST-T 變化。胸部X 光檢查則大多正常。若臨床上聽診,超音波顯示瓣膜由左心室脫垂到左心房,加上心音圖,則診斷的確立應無問題。而心臟超音波為普遍及準確診斷工具,主要可以 判斷瓣膜脫垂的嚴重程度及整體心臟功能的好壞,故一般門診上常使用之。
「二尖瓣脫垂症侯群」為一臨床病徵,病患會有不同程度的新陳代謝、神經內分泌及自律神經異常,病患的臨床症狀往往不能用瓣膜異常來解釋。二尖瓣脫垂 病患有時會合併有心臟電氣生理上的變化,例如:多了不正常的傳導電線。自律神經(為交感及副交感神經統稱)失調、交感神經張力異常、腎上腺荷爾蒙受影響、 或心臟血流動力學的影響及漸進性的二尖瓣血液回流等情形會使心房及心室功能不妥而產生心房顫動,甚至致命的心室頻脈。必要時須求診心臟內科門診。
此外,病患往往有心悸、胸痛、胸悶不適、易倦怠、呼吸不順、倦怠、胃口差、頭暈或暈倒、心律不整、運動能力較差、坐起來頭暈、胸前或者頸部有異物哽 住,甚至有神經心理症狀,由以上可見其症狀之多樣化,大部份發病年齡為二十至三十歲,若症狀明顯則顯示病人的自律神經在亢奮狀態。
治療方面,由於一般非專業心臟科醫師常常誤診病人為心肌缺氧或心理疾病,或中醫說的心臟無力,往往使病人有到處奔波之苦。做了一大堆檢查卻得不到正 確診斷,耗費大量醫療資源及使用不恰當藥物,使某些病人受盡折磨。所以專業診斷,詳細的了解病情,心內膜炎的預防會使病情改變大半。二尖瓣脫垂的女性對體 液變化較敏感,故在月經來時症狀會加劇,注意水分補充即可。一些對心臟有刺激性的東西如咖啡因、香煙、酒精或含腎上腺賀爾蒙藥並不適宜。短期的小量乙型阻 斷劑Inderal(恩達樂)控制自律神經以及少許輕微、溫和的鎮靜劑可使90%以上的病人症狀消失或緩解。
作者:臺安醫院心臟內科主治醫師 林東君
二尖瓣膜閉鎖不全 (Mitral Valve Prolapse, MVP) 的影響
二尖瓣膜閉鎖不全 (Mitral Valve Prolapse, MVP) 的連續血壓波偵測
二尖瓣是位於心臟當中左心房和左心室之間的一組瓣膜,功能主要是控制血液的流向,當我們左心室舒張時,瓣膜便會打開,讓左心房的血液得以灌注到左心 室,而在左心室收縮時,瓣膜則會緊閉,使左心室將血液繼續往前至主動脈進而供應全身的組織。二尖瓣脫垂就是,這兩個瓣膜,或是其中之一稍為寬了些,當瓣膜 關閉時,瓣膜會突出到另一邊(左心房),若稍為嚴重點,甚至可能會讓這扇門關的不夠緊,無法完全的閉合,就會造成血液逆流的情形。
二尖瓣脫垂在西方歐美先進國家是常見的先天性瓣膜異常,同時也是造成非缺血性二尖瓣逆流主要原因之一。通常二尖瓣脫垂的預後非常好,只有在極少數的 患者身上會發生極嚴重的併發症:包括感染性心內膜炎、重度二尖瓣逆流併心臟衰竭以及猝死,而且心臟超音波檢查對於診斷二尖瓣脫垂,以及預測發生併發症的高 危險型病人是一項非常方便和準確的工作。此病症是如何被發現的呢?在1960年左右,Dr. Barlow 首先利用左心室造影發現「激」(click)雜音與心室收縮末期的二尖瓣閉合有關;隨後Dr.Criley 便將這種有「激」(click)雜音的二尖瓣命名為二尖瓣脫垂。
一般而言,在二維胸前心臟超音波檢查下,利用胸骨旁長軸影像診斷二尖瓣脫垂較為準確。在此影像下不管有無二尖瓣葉片增厚,如有單葉或雙葉的二尖瓣葉 片距離二尖瓣環超過2mm 以上才可診斷是二尖瓣脫垂。據此,二尖瓣脫垂發生率大約為2-7%(平均5%),女性為男性兩倍。二尖瓣脫垂的診斷最好是根據病史、理學檢查、心音圖及心 臟超音波作一綜合判斷,尤其是聽診。用較精良的心臟科聽診器可聽出較微小的心音變化。在疾病早期,病患可能只是一輕微的「激」(click)雜音。隨著瓣膜變化日益嚴重,病患會產生一收縮期雜音,可同時合併有或無「激」(click)雜音。
利用體位的改變來幫助聽診是極為重要,臨床醫師不可忽略。例如「激」雜(click)音在病患站立時會靠近第一心音,左側躺時聽診較容易,站立時收 縮期雜音會變大聲及時間較長等等。大部份二尖瓣脫垂病人心電圖都是正常,少部份有ST-T 變化。胸部X 光檢查則大多正常。若臨床上聽診,超音波顯示瓣膜由左心室脫垂到左心房,加上心音圖,則診斷的確立應無問題。而心臟超音波為普遍及準確診斷工具,主要可以 判斷瓣膜脫垂的嚴重程度及整體心臟功能的好壞,故一般門診上常使用之。
「二尖瓣脫垂症侯群」為一臨床病徵,病患會有不同程度的新陳代謝、神經內分泌及自律神經異常,病患的臨床症狀往往不能用瓣膜異常來解釋。二尖瓣脫垂 病患有時會合併有心臟電氣生理上的變化,例如:多了不正常的傳導電線。自律神經(為交感及副交感神經統稱)失調、交感神經張力異常、腎上腺荷爾蒙受影響、 或心臟血流動力學的影響及漸進性的二尖瓣血液回流等情形會使心房及心室功能不妥而產生心房顫動,甚至致命的心室頻脈。必要時須求診心臟內科門診。
此外,病患往往有心悸、胸痛、胸悶不適、易倦怠、呼吸不順、倦怠、胃口差、頭暈或暈倒、心律不整、運動能力較差、坐起來頭暈、胸前或者頸部有異物哽 住,甚至有神經心理症狀,由以上可見其症狀之多樣化,大部份發病年齡為二十至三十歲,若症狀明顯則顯示病人的自律神經在亢奮狀態。
治療方面,由於一般非專業心臟科醫師常常誤診病人為心肌缺氧或心理疾病,或中醫說的心臟無力,往往使病人有到處奔波之苦。做了一大堆檢查卻得不到正 確診斷,耗費大量醫療資源及使用不恰當藥物,使某些病人受盡折磨。所以專業診斷,詳細的了解病情,心內膜炎的預防會使病情改變大半。二尖瓣脫垂的女性對體 液變化較敏感,故在月經來時症狀會加劇,注意水分補充即可。一些對心臟有刺激性的東西如咖啡因、香煙、酒精或含腎上腺賀爾蒙藥並不適宜。短期的小量乙型阻 斷劑Inderal(恩達樂)控制自律神經以及少許輕微、溫和的鎮靜劑可使90%以上的病人症狀消失或緩解。
- 了解自己的病況,不要被突發的症狀嚇到,因過度恐慌會使心律不整更嚴重。
- 規律的生活,適度的休息,不熬夜→避免睡眠不足。
- 運動方面不需特別限制,只要體力能負荷的活動皆可參與。
- 避免刺激性飲料,如:濃茶、濃咖啡。
- 若遇拔牙或外科小手術…等必須告知醫師,給予適當的藥物,以預防心內膜炎。
- 依照醫師指示,儲備適量的藥物,於病況發作時可以立即服用。
- 依照醫師指示定期回醫院做超音波檢查(約1-2年複查一次)。
作者:臺安醫院心臟內科主治醫師 林東君
二尖瓣膜閉鎖不全 (Mitral Valve Prolapse, MVP) 的影響
二尖瓣膜閉鎖不全 (Mitral Valve Prolapse, MVP) 的連續血壓波偵測
論文研討:A combined HRV-fMRI approach to assess cortical control of cardiovagal modulation by motion sickness
A combined HRV-fMRI approach to assess cortical control of cardiovagal modulation by motion sickness
結合 fMRI 與 HRV 研究暈車的心臟迷走神經的調節。
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 Feb 8.
Published in final edited form as:
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2011 Aug; 2011: 2825–2828.
doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090781
A combined HRV-fMRI approach to assess cortical control of cardiovagal modulation by motion sickness
J Kim, V Napadow, B Kuo, and R Barbieri, Senior Member, IEEE
Nausea is a commonly occurring symptom typified by epigastric discomfort with the urge to vomit. To date, the brain circuitry underlying the autonomic nervous system response to nausea has not been fully understood. Functional MRI (fMRI), together with a point process adaptive recursive algorithm for computation of the high-frequency (HF) index of heart rate variability (HRV) was combined to evaluate the brain circuitry underlying autonomic nervous system response to nausea. Alone, the point process analysis revealed increasing sympathetic and decreasing parasympathetic response during nausea with significant increased heart rate (HR) and decreased HF. The combined HRV-fMRI analysis demonstrated that the fMRI signal in the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) and pregenual anterior cingulate cortex (pgACC), regions of higher cortical functions and emotion showed a negative correlation at the baseline and a positive correlation during nausea. Overall, our findings confirm a sympathovagal shift (toward sympathetic) during nausea, which was related to brain activity in regions associated with emotion and higher cognitive function.
A combined HRV-fMRI approach to assess cortical control of cardiovagal modulation by motion sickness
結合 fMRI 與 HRV 研究暈車的心臟迷走神經的調節。
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 Feb 8.
Published in final edited form as:
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2011 Aug; 2011: 2825–2828.
doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090781
A combined HRV-fMRI approach to assess cortical control of cardiovagal modulation by motion sickness
J Kim, V Napadow, B Kuo, and R Barbieri, Senior Member, IEEE
Nausea is a commonly occurring symptom typified by epigastric discomfort with the urge to vomit. To date, the brain circuitry underlying the autonomic nervous system response to nausea has not been fully understood. Functional MRI (fMRI), together with a point process adaptive recursive algorithm for computation of the high-frequency (HF) index of heart rate variability (HRV) was combined to evaluate the brain circuitry underlying autonomic nervous system response to nausea. Alone, the point process analysis revealed increasing sympathetic and decreasing parasympathetic response during nausea with significant increased heart rate (HR) and decreased HF. The combined HRV-fMRI analysis demonstrated that the fMRI signal in the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) and pregenual anterior cingulate cortex (pgACC), regions of higher cortical functions and emotion showed a negative correlation at the baseline and a positive correlation during nausea. Overall, our findings confirm a sympathovagal shift (toward sympathetic) during nausea, which was related to brain activity in regions associated with emotion and higher cognitive function.
論文研討:Research on Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Research on Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in Acute Ischemic Stroke
研究心率變異性(HRV)在急性缺血性腦中風的變化,並使用 CT 與 MRI 來做確認。
《Heilongjiang Medical Journal》 2009-05
Research on Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in Acute Ischemic Stroke
WU Yu-ling (Department of Neurology,Huli Hospital of Xiamen City,Xiamen 361006,China)
Objective To explore the differential effects of stroke localization on autonomic function parameters assessed by HRV and study the circadian fluctuation of HRV in acute phase of ischemic stroke. Methods 24 h HRV of 70 stroke patients were recorded and analyzed in acute stage (5 d and 5 w) to contract with 50 age-and sex-matched health as control groups. Clinical location of hemispheric brain infarction were verified by CT or MRI. Results (1) In acute phase of ischemic stroke (5 d) all index of heart rate variability had significantly decreased (P0.01),and they all recovered after 5 weeks (P0.05). (2)The index in Patients with right cerebral infarction had significantly lower than that in left localization (P0.05). The index of right insular lobe was the lowest in all groups. Conclusion Acute cerebral infarction significantly decreased heart rate variability as a result of cardiovascular autonomic dysregulation. The decreased autonomic function has reversible tendency following the time went by.
【Key Words】: Cerebral infarction Heart rate variability Autonomic nerve function
Research on Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in Acute Ischemic Stroke
研究心率變異性(HRV)在急性缺血性腦中風的變化,並使用 CT 與 MRI 來做確認。
《Heilongjiang Medical Journal》 2009-05
Research on Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in Acute Ischemic Stroke
WU Yu-ling (Department of Neurology,Huli Hospital of Xiamen City,Xiamen 361006,China)
Objective To explore the differential effects of stroke localization on autonomic function parameters assessed by HRV and study the circadian fluctuation of HRV in acute phase of ischemic stroke. Methods 24 h HRV of 70 stroke patients were recorded and analyzed in acute stage (5 d and 5 w) to contract with 50 age-and sex-matched health as control groups. Clinical location of hemispheric brain infarction were verified by CT or MRI. Results (1) In acute phase of ischemic stroke (5 d) all index of heart rate variability had significantly decreased (P0.01),and they all recovered after 5 weeks (P0.05). (2)The index in Patients with right cerebral infarction had significantly lower than that in left localization (P0.05). The index of right insular lobe was the lowest in all groups. Conclusion Acute cerebral infarction significantly decreased heart rate variability as a result of cardiovascular autonomic dysregulation. The decreased autonomic function has reversible tendency following the time went by.
【Key Words】: Cerebral infarction Heart rate variability Autonomic nerve function
論文研討:MRI Acupuncture Research on Point Specificity
MRI Acupuncture Research on Point Specificity
New acupuncture research concludes that, “Recent evidence shows that stimulation of different points on the body causes distinct responses in hemodynamic, fMRI and central neural electrophysiological responses.” The researchers note that fMRI and laboratory studies demonstrate unique changes within the body when specific acupuncture points are stimulated. The study demonstrates that specific acupuncture points have specific biophysiological effects. As a result, the researchers suggest further research to investigate these measurable, quantifiable and objective phenomena.
Researchers from the Department of Medicine at the University of California, Irvine, examined the specific effects of needling different acupuncture points as compared with stimulation of non-acupuncture points and placebo simulated stimulation. The researchers note that “... many well-controlled studies do support the principle of point specificity.” They cite as example multiple studies of cardiovascular disease and note that real acupuncture points “elicit(s) significantly greater responses than stimulation of both non-acupoints and inactive acupoints.” They also conclude that stimulation of different acupoints “produces differential input to regions of the brain that regulate sympathetic outflow and cardiovascular function.”
The researchers note that a hemodynamic study of acupoint P6 showed that this acupuncture point “decreased heart rate and increased the high-frequency HRV index of cardiac vagal modulation….” A sham acupoint (a point not located on a traditional acupoint location) was able to decrease the heart rate but did not change the vagal outflow as did P6. These differing mechanisms suggest that sham acupuncture studies may obscure the true medical benefits of acupuncture. In the case of P6 stimulation, only the true acupuncture point increased the high-frequency HRV index. HRV (heart rate variability) is the variance in time interval between heart beats. Reduced HRV is linked to mortality after myocardial infarction and a lowering of HRV is also linked to congestive heart failure, diabetic neuropathy and low survival rates in premature babies. Both true and sham acupuncture decrease heart rates but only true acupuncture increases HRV. Examination of other true acupuncture points (across numerous studies) compared with non-acupuncture points and non-relevant acupuncture points confirms that hemodynamic responses are specific to exact acupuncture points and that true acupoints elicit sympathoexcitatory responses relevant to their traditional medical indications.
Neurological investigations support the specificity of acupuncture points. The researchers examined MRI studies of the brain and note that “stimulation of different sets of acupoints leads to disease-specific neuronal responses, even when acupoints are located within the same spinal segment.” The researchers also note, “The point-specific actions resulting from stimulation of different acupoints in controlled laboratory trials confirm that needling different points on the body produces more than just placebo responses, given that placebo acupuncture is not associated with differential or acupoint-specific responses in anesthetized animals.”
Point specificity in acupuncture. Chinese Medicine 2012, 7:4 doi:10.1186/1749-8546-7-4. Emma M Choi, Fang Jiang, John C Longhurst.
Susan Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, University of California, Irvine CA.
Medical Science, School of Medicine, University of California, Irvine, CA.
MRI Acupuncture Research on Point Specificity
New acupuncture research concludes that, “Recent evidence shows that stimulation of different points on the body causes distinct responses in hemodynamic, fMRI and central neural electrophysiological responses.” The researchers note that fMRI and laboratory studies demonstrate unique changes within the body when specific acupuncture points are stimulated. The study demonstrates that specific acupuncture points have specific biophysiological effects. As a result, the researchers suggest further research to investigate these measurable, quantifiable and objective phenomena.
Researchers from the Department of Medicine at the University of California, Irvine, examined the specific effects of needling different acupuncture points as compared with stimulation of non-acupuncture points and placebo simulated stimulation. The researchers note that “... many well-controlled studies do support the principle of point specificity.” They cite as example multiple studies of cardiovascular disease and note that real acupuncture points “elicit(s) significantly greater responses than stimulation of both non-acupoints and inactive acupoints.” They also conclude that stimulation of different acupoints “produces differential input to regions of the brain that regulate sympathetic outflow and cardiovascular function.”
The researchers note that a hemodynamic study of acupoint P6 showed that this acupuncture point “decreased heart rate and increased the high-frequency HRV index of cardiac vagal modulation….” A sham acupoint (a point not located on a traditional acupoint location) was able to decrease the heart rate but did not change the vagal outflow as did P6. These differing mechanisms suggest that sham acupuncture studies may obscure the true medical benefits of acupuncture. In the case of P6 stimulation, only the true acupuncture point increased the high-frequency HRV index. HRV (heart rate variability) is the variance in time interval between heart beats. Reduced HRV is linked to mortality after myocardial infarction and a lowering of HRV is also linked to congestive heart failure, diabetic neuropathy and low survival rates in premature babies. Both true and sham acupuncture decrease heart rates but only true acupuncture increases HRV. Examination of other true acupuncture points (across numerous studies) compared with non-acupuncture points and non-relevant acupuncture points confirms that hemodynamic responses are specific to exact acupuncture points and that true acupoints elicit sympathoexcitatory responses relevant to their traditional medical indications.
Neurological investigations support the specificity of acupuncture points. The researchers examined MRI studies of the brain and note that “stimulation of different sets of acupoints leads to disease-specific neuronal responses, even when acupoints are located within the same spinal segment.” The researchers also note, “The point-specific actions resulting from stimulation of different acupoints in controlled laboratory trials confirm that needling different points on the body produces more than just placebo responses, given that placebo acupuncture is not associated with differential or acupoint-specific responses in anesthetized animals.”
Point specificity in acupuncture. Chinese Medicine 2012, 7:4 doi:10.1186/1749-8546-7-4. Emma M Choi, Fang Jiang, John C Longhurst.
Susan Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, University of California, Irvine CA.
Medical Science, School of Medicine, University of California, Irvine, CA.
交感神經系統與副交感神經系統之交互作用 Interaction between the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system
(原文發表於 2016/06/19, 新增表格於 2016/07/26)
就生理學而言,交感神經負責因應人體緊張,恐懼,戰鬥,或逃難期間之生理需求,而副交感神經則主宰能量的保存及重建,兩者的目標無異,都是為了維續生命. 從表一可以看出,交感神經受到刺激會造成心跳加快,瞳孔放大,支氣管放鬆,肝醣轉換成葡萄糖,新陳代謝加快,腦活動增強等強化活動力及消耗體能之反應; 反之副交感神經受到刺激則引起心跳減慢,瞳孔縮小,支氣管收縮,肝醣合成,消化及吸收等保存及重建能量之反應. 白天期間因應工作及活動力需求,交感成為主導,到了夜晚休息時,副交感又成為主宰,兩者之影響是相互擷抗的,卻又需回應體內及體外之刺激而持續性的改變及維持平衡.
我們可以用心跳為例,來探討自律神經平衡的重要性. 控制心跳之機制主要有兩個,一個是心肌肉之竇房結(Sino-atrial Node, SA Node),如果沒有外力的作用,它會以自己的自然節奏震盪,另一個則是自律神經系統,它負責依內需及外需調節心率,如果把心跳比喻為開車,則交感神經為油門,而副交感神經是剎車. 值得注意的是,自然心跳頻率高於正常心跳(每分鐘72次),若副交感神經失去調解功能,則有如開車時剎車失靈,比起油門不足(交感神經興奮功能不佳)更為嚴重. 不少心血管疾病病患因突然心跳劇烈加速而致死,便是這個原因.
此外,現代人的生活形式多半伴隨著緊張壓力,常會造成交感神經過盛,必須靠副交感神經舒緩及復原. 從前一篇表一可以得知,自律神經系統負責內臟器官,內分泌,外分泌,及排泄系統之正常運作與維持,當這些器官及系統之功能發生異常時,自律神經系統便緊急啟動,進行調整. 調整的方式包括心跳加速或減緩,肺部支氣管收縮或舒張,血管(動脈及靜脈)收縮或舒張,血流重新分配(例如將血液送至傷害區),新陳代謝速率調整等,此時自律神經的活性會較正常狀態為高,而且交感與副交感不一定處於平衡狀態.
由以上討論,我們可以體認到自律神經活性異常現象,常是體內器官或腺體異常之徵兆,而非自律神經本身組織及功能失常. 例如病患因腦部血管阻塞,常有缺氧及頭痛現象,自律神經此時會局部性擴充腦血管,加快心跳及心肌收縮力,但若是腦部突然嚴重缺氧(可能造成腦細胞壞死時),自律神經立即令病患暈倒. 這些都是自律神經發揮功能的正常現象.
另一方面,自律神經的功能無法配合身體需求時,則必需檢討其根源為體內器官嚴重異常,或自律神經系統之組織結構病變. 例如有人坐久突然站起時會眩暈(或爬樓梯時),這可能是自律神經功能不足所致,因為人體從坐姿變為站姿時,交感神經必需立即收縮下半身之血管,將血液送至腦部及上半身. 正常人有此健全機制,因此不會有眩暈現象,但具有眩暈現象的人,可能是腦血管異常(即使交感神經正常,甚至發揮至極限也仍不足),或是自律神經組織病變. 另一個結論是,藉由量測自律神經系統之活性及其平衡狀態,常可預先得知體內器官及分泌系統之疾病徵兆.
心律大師 即時測試模式 (Biofeedback)
<範例1> 先坐下再站起來 (每十秒鐘在LCD上面報告一次HR及HRV; 專業頂尖型可在PC上看到脈波,R-R波波間距, HRV,及HR之圖型)
從上圖及表格,站姿比起坐姿需要更多的能量,通常副交感會撤退,造成心跳加快及自律神經總活性HRV下降. 根據臨床經驗,從坐姿到站姿,心跳至少要加3(上例從91升為94.5),否則表示自律神經失調.
<範例2> 先正常呼吸再丹田深呼吸
<範例1> 先坐下再站起來 (每十秒鐘在LCD上面報告一次HR及HRV; 專業頂尖型可在PC上看到脈波,R-R波波間距, HRV,及HR之圖型)
從上圖及表格,站姿比起坐姿需要更多的能量,通常副交感會撤退,造成心跳加快及自律神經總活性HRV下降. 根據臨床經驗,從坐姿到站姿,心跳至少要加3(上例從91升為94.5),否則表示自律神經失調.
<範例2> 先正常呼吸再丹田深呼吸
心律不整 (Cardiac Arrhythmia)
廣泛的心律不整 (Cardiac Arrhythmia) 定義指的是心電不正常活動,包括心跳太快(每分鐘120以上)、心跳太慢(每分鐘50以下)、及不規則心跳。
最常見的不規則心跳是提前(Premature Contraction)、延後(Delayed Contraction)、少跳(Skipped Heartbeat)、及多跳(Extra Systole),有時這些現象會合併或重複發生(見下圖)。
正常的心電活動,應以心竇(Sinus Node)為源頭,產生有節奏的放電。但種種原因會造成其它部份的心肌細胞也自行產生放電活動,造成心律不整。
以不正常放電源來區分,最常見的心律不整是下心室提前收縮(Premature Ventricular Contraction, PVC),其次是上心房提前收縮((Premature Atrial Contraction, PAC)。
少數嚴重心律不整的病患需要藥物(如血管擴充劑、交感阻斷劑(Beta Blocker)等)或醫療器材(如心律調整器)加以治療,但大部分的人只要在生活及飲食上加以調整,即可改善或去除心律不整。
廣泛的心律不整 (Cardiac Arrhythmia) 定義指的是心電不正常活動,包括心跳太快(每分鐘120以上)、心跳太慢(每分鐘50以下)、及不規則心跳。
最常見的不規則心跳是提前(Premature Contraction)、延後(Delayed Contraction)、少跳(Skipped Heartbeat)、及多跳(Extra Systole),有時這些現象會合併或重複發生(見下圖)。
正常的心電活動,應以心竇(Sinus Node)為源頭,產生有節奏的放電。但種種原因會造成其它部份的心肌細胞也自行產生放電活動,造成心律不整。
以不正常放電源來區分,最常見的心律不整是下心室提前收縮(Premature Ventricular Contraction, PVC),其次是上心房提前收縮((Premature Atrial Contraction, PAC)。
少數嚴重心律不整的病患需要藥物(如血管擴充劑、交感阻斷劑(Beta Blocker)等)或醫療器材(如心律調整器)加以治療,但大部分的人只要在生活及飲食上加以調整,即可改善或去除心律不整。
二尖瓣膜閉鎖不全 (Mitral Valve Prolapse, MVP) 的影響
二尖瓣膜閉鎖不全 (Mitral Valve Prolapse, MVP) 的連續血壓波偵測
從實際的臨床病例,發現心律大師脈象診斷功能可以檢測二尖瓣膜閉鎖不全(Mitral Valve Prolapse, MVP)如下圖:
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